Package: 38423District: 03 SR/Sec: 0014/136 Type: CE 1a Reevaluation Project: SR 14 over Trout Run
MPMS: 122113County: Lycoming Status: ApprovedFPN: TPD

Package Document

Related Packages:  37876 (Scoping - Approved 10/03/24)   |  37941 (Eval - Approved 11/12/24)


 Federal Funding?YesFederal Oversight?No Federal Oversight Agreement (June 2015)


 Is this project being documented as an emergency project? Yes    No 

Is there a formal Emergency Declaration by either the  
President of the United States or the Governor of PA?

 Yes    No

In accordance with 23 CFR 771.117(c), actions that qualify as an emergency repair under 23 USC 125
can be documented as a Level 1a CE under item #9.

For emergency repairs, after generating the package, use the Add Appendix button to attach the
Damage Inspection Report (DIR).


Which type of repair does this project involve?



Categorical Exclusion (Class II)

CE Level:  

CE Action:  
09, 28                
 01      02      03      04      05      06      07      08
 09      10      11      12      13      14      15      16
 17      18      19      20      21      22      23      24
 25      26      27      28      29      30      DOE EV

Reevaluation Reason:  
 Change in scope, impacts and/or mitigation.
 Three or more years since major authorization or phase change.

Summary of Reevaluation Changes by Document

Part A: General Project Identification and Description
Attached updated plan and added reason for reevaluation to the remarks section.

Part B: Section A-1
Updated permanent stream impacts along with narrative.

Part B: Section A-3
Attached updated PNDI and added tree cutting restriction as avoidance / mitigation measure.

Part B: Section A-4
Updated remarks and attached update to Project PATH.

Part B: Section E
Added tree cutting restriction as avoidance / mitigation measure.

Confirmation of Reevaluation Classification and Level

 Upon reevaluation, as supported by the attached documentation, this project qualifies as a CE Level 1a.


PDOT Project Manager:  
Louis D Ludwig
Federal Project Number:  

MPMS Projects
  122113Active /
SR 14 over Trout Run
03 / Lycoming0014 / 136SR 14 over Trout Run, Lewis (Twp), Lycoming County; Bridge Replacement
*The last time MPMS data was added or refreshed was on Monday, 28 October 2024 09:50 AM.

Project Funding & Fiscal Constraint
Remarks: This project is an emergency project as a result of flooding from Tropical Storm Debby. The project is fully funded. 
For federally funded projects where the construction phase (and if needed, ROW and/or utilities phases) is not programmed on the current TIP, remarks provide a detailed reference to the current LRTP identifying full funding for the project.

"LRTP Date" is the date of the last adopted Long Range Transportation Plan.
Refer to May 2017 FHWA "Memorandum Clarifying Fiscal Constraint." See the help files for more detailed information.


 Names & Groups:Colleen Kelly/PennDOT BP-000083
Douglas W Nase/PennDOT BP-000057
Gary L Frenette PE/PennDOT BP-000057
Katherine Markowitz/PennDOT BP-000083
Louis D Ludwig/PennDOT
Melanie Attieh/PennDOT BP-000083
Kyle J Bunce/PennDOT

All District 03 Users


System User NamesNon-System / Other Addresses
 Notify These Additional Emails Upon Approval:Gary L Frenette PE/PennDOT BP-000057
Katherine Markowitz/PennDOT BP-000083

Package was submitted on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 09:50 AM by Kyle J Bunce/PennDOT

 Email NotifyReviewed ByDate/Time
Lucas A Franzen/PennDOT
Lucas A Franzen/PennDOTThu, 01/30/25 07:15 AM

Document Created By:  Kyle J Bunce
01/27/25  08:25 AM

Last Modified By:  Lucas A Franzen
01/30/25  07:15 AM

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