Package: 38090District: 04 SR/Sec: 1002/E24 Type: CE 1a Evaluation Project: SR 1002 ov Delaware River 2024
MPMS: 122260County: Wayne Status: ApprovedFPN: T046-308-Y233

Package Document


 Federal Funding?YesFederal Oversight?No Federal Oversight Agreement (June 2015)


 Is this project being documented as an emergency project? Yes    No 

Is there a formal Emergency Declaration by either the  
President of the United States or the Governor of PA?

 Yes    No

In accordance with 23 CFR 771.117(c), actions that qualify as an emergency repair under 23 USC 125
can be documented as a Level 1a CE under item #9.

For emergency repairs, after generating the package, use the Add Appendix button to attach the
Damage Inspection Report (DIR).


Which type of repair does this project involve?



Categorical Exclusion (Class II)

CE Level:  

CE Action:  
 01      02      03      04      05      06      07      08
 09      10      11      12      13      14      15      16
 17      18      19      20      21      22      23      24
 25      26      27      28      29      30      DOE EV
       The preferred process for creating an Evaluation is to use the Create Eval button from an existing Scoping to link it to this package.
              - If an approved Scoping Package does not exist in the Expert System, provide reason and explanation below.
              - If waived, provide direction/authority information.  For paper copies, include file location.
 Waived    Paper Copy    Other

Due to the emergency nature of this project and the prior work done for the PEL Study, it is not required to complete a scoping document.


PDOT Project Manager:  
Amy M Lolli
Federal Project Number:  

MPMS Projects
  122260Programmed /
SR 1002 ov Delaware River 2024
04 / Wayne1002 / E24Bridge rehabilitation/replacement on State Route 1002 (Milanville Road, Kellow Road County Bridge #5) over Delaware River in Damascus Township, Wayne County.
*The last time MPMS data was added or refreshed was on Wednesday, 06 November 2024 03:04 PM.

Project Funding & Fiscal Constraint
   6,000,000FFY 2025 Wayne TIP 
For federally funded projects where the construction phase (and if needed, ROW and/or utilities phases) is not programmed on the current TIP, remarks provide a detailed reference to the current LRTP identifying full funding for the project.

"LRTP Date" is the date of the last adopted Long Range Transportation Plan.
Refer to May 2017 FHWA "Memorandum Clarifying Fiscal Constraint." See the help files for more detailed information.


 Names & Groups:Amy M Lolli/PennDOT
Daniel Radle/PennDOT BP-000324
Gretchen Yarnall/PennDOT BP-003813
Heather Martin/PennDOT BP-000324
John A Ames/PennDOT
Katherine M Farrow/PennDOT BP-003813
Kevin W Mock/PennDOT
Lisa Brozey/PennDOT BP-000324
Mark Lombard/PennDOT BP-000324
Michael Landis/PennDOT BP-000324
Steve Wittig/PennDOT BP-000324

All District 04 Users


System User NamesNon-System / Other Addresses
 Notify These Additional Emails Upon Approval:

Package was submitted on Tuesday, 17 December 2024 04:55 PM by John A Ames/PennDOT

 Email NotifyReviewed ByDate/Time
Gregory P Augustine/PennDOT
John A Ames/PennDOTWed, 12/18/24 08:41 AM

Document Created By:  Amy M Lolli
11/01/24  10:34 AM

Last Modified By:  John A Ames
12/18/24  08:41 AM

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