Package: 37385District: 01 SR/Sec: 4034/S00 Type: CE 1b Reevaluation Project: Bayfront Parkway at 6th Street Intersection Impr.
MPMS: 110836County: Erie Status: ApprovedFPN: X012551 ZS30

Package Document

Related Packages:  29629 (Scoping - Approved 11/15/19)   |  30185 (Eval - Approved 08/19/20)   |  35765 (Reeval - Approved 07/20/23)


 Federal Funding?YesFederal Oversight?No Federal Oversight Agreement (June 2015)


 Is this project being documented as an emergency project? Yes    No 


Categorical Exclusion (Class II)

CE Level:  

CE Action:  
 04       05       06       07       08       09
 10       11       12       13       14       Other                  

Reevaluation Reason:  
 Change in scope, impacts and/or mitigation.
 Three or more years since major authorization or phase change.

Summary of Reevaluation Changes by Document

Part A: General Project Identification and Description
Scope of work has changed to remove the right hand turn lane on 6th Street, including paving and updating curb ramps

Part A: Engineering Information
6th Street information has been added MPMS funding has been updated

Part A: Roadway(s)
6th Street roadway information has been added

Part B: Section A-4
Cultural resource section was updated. Curb ramp work has been added.

Part B: Section C
Public involvement section has been updated to include a press release on additional work and pedestrian detours in the work area

Confirmation of Reevaluation Classification and Level

 Upon reevaluation, as supported by the attached documentation, this project qualifies as a CE Level 1b.


PDOT Project Manager:  
Jeanette C Uhl
Federal Project Number:  
X012551 ZS30

MPMS Projects
  110836Active /
Bayfront Parkway at 6th Street Intersection Impr.
01 / Erie4034 / S00Bayfront Parkway (SR 4034) from Port Access Road to East 12th Street; City of Erie; Intersection and Corridor Improvements
*The last time MPMS data was added or refreshed was on Friday, 12 July 2024 09:53 AM.

Project Funding & Fiscal Constraint
   5,718,000FFY 2023 Erie TIP 
For federally funded projects where the construction phase (and if needed, ROW and/or utilities phases) is not programmed on the current TIP, remarks provide a detailed reference to the current LRTP identifying full funding for the project.

"LRTP Date" is the date of the last adopted Long Range Transportation Plan.
Refer to May 2017 FHWA "Memorandum Clarifying Fiscal Constraint." See the help files for more detailed information.


 Names & Groups:Autumn Kelley/PennDOT
All District 01 Users


System User NamesNon-System / Other Addresses
 Notify These Additional Emails Upon Approval:Bradley Burford/PennDOT
Eli T Whitmore/PennDOT
Jeanette C Uhl/PennDOT

Package was submitted on Friday, 12 July 2024 09:53 AM by Autumn Kelley/PennDOT

 Email NotifyReviewed ByDate/Time
Bradley Burford/PennDOT
Bradley Burford/PennDOTFri, 07/12/24 12:58 PM
Thomas J McClelland/PennDOT
Thomas J McClelland/PennDOTFri, 07/12/24 01:06 PM
Brian A McNulty/PennDOT
Brian A McNulty/PennDOTFri, 07/12/24 01:34 PM

Document Created By:  Autumn Kelley
07/08/24  11:56 AM

Last Modified By:  Brian A McNulty
07/12/24  01:34 PM

An ECMS PDC was found for MPMS 110836 -- clearance for package #37385 was successfully added/updated.<br>XML REQUEST for MPMS 110836...
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