Package: 37312District: 05 SR/Sec: 0248/07S Type: CE 1b Scoping Project: SR 248/Airport Road Intersection Improvements
MPMS: 120952County: Northampton Status: ApprovedFPN: TBD

Package Document


 Federal Funding?YesFederal Oversight?No Federal Oversight Agreement (June 2015)


 Is this project being documented as an emergency project? Yes    No 

Scoping   --- Values are prefilled from the PennDOT Connects system based on matching MPMS selections below.
  --- Classification / Environmental Level is determined on the scoping Results form.


PDOT Project Manager:  
Michael J McGuire
Federal Project Number:  

MPMS Projects
  120952Candidate /
SR 248/Airport Road Intersection Improvements
05 / Northampton0248 / 07SIntersection Improvements/Congestion Reduction; SR 248/Airport Road Intersection; East Allen Township; Northampton County;
*The last time MPMS data was added or refreshed was on Thursday, 29 August 2024 03:36 PM.

Project Funding & Fiscal Constraint
163,905546,35056,275 FFY 2025 Lehigh Valley TIP 
For federally funded projects where the construction phase (and if needed, ROW and/or utilities phases) is not programmed on the current TIP, remarks provide a detailed reference to the current LRTP identifying full funding for the project.

"LRTP Date" is the date of the last adopted Long Range Transportation Plan.
Refer to May 2017 FHWA "Memorandum Clarifying Fiscal Constraint." See the help files for more detailed information.


 Names & Groups:Ashley R McGinnis/PennDOT BP-000064
Cory Trego/PennDOT BP-000064
Deborah Fretz/PennDOT BP-000064
Declan McCullough/PennDOT BP-000064
Elisabeth J Sibley/PennDOT BP-000064
Kristin L Civitella/PennDOT BP-000064
Laren Myers/PennDOT BP-000064
Mary Robinson/PennDOT BP-000064
Michael McGuire/PennDOT BP-000064
Sara Thurwanger/PennDOT BP-000064

All District 05 Users


System User NamesNon-System / Other Addresses
 Notify These Additional Emails Upon Approval:Jennifer A Ruth/PennDOT
Lawrence Peterson/PennDOT
Michael Donchez/PennDOT
Michael J McGuire/PennDOT
Suzanne Moser/PennDOT

Package was submitted on Wednesday, 05 February 2025 01:48 PM by Jennie Fiorito/PennDOT

 Email NotifyReviewed ByDate/Time
Jerry E Neal/PennDOT
Jerry E Neal/PennDOTThu, 02/06/25 10:42 AM
HDTS: Eastern Region
Allen S Melley/PennDOT
Booker T Bates/PennDOT
Brian E Shunk/PennDOT
Edward J Castelli/PennDOT
Ella Kukieva/PennDOT
Harrison Knox/PennDOT
Julius B Sanders/PennDOT
Keith A Saloum/PennDOT
Kerriann R Riddle/PennDOT
Michael P Erickson/PennDOT
Nina Ertel/PennDOT
Ryan R Shiffler/PennDOT
Ryan Vankirk/PennDOT
Nina Ertel/PennDOTWed, 02/12/25 08:18 AM
Jerry E Neal/PennDOTJerry E Neal/PennDOTWed, 02/12/25 11:24 AM
Project level of complexity on Results document is "Moderately Complex"

Document Created By:  Ashley R McGinnis
06/21/24  02:25 PM

Last Modified By:  Jerry E Neal
02/12/25  11:24 AM

An ECMS PDC was found for MPMS 120952 -- clearance for package #37312 was successfully added/updated.<br>XML REQUEST for MPMS 120952...
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