Package: 33074District: 06 SR/Sec: 0095/BRI Type: CE 2 Reevaluation Project: I-95 & Betsy Ross Bridge Interchange DESIGN
MPMS: 47812County: Philadelphia Status: ApprovedFPN: 1847-103, -101

Package Document

Related Packages:  1208 (Eval - Approved 07/26/11)   |  16529 (Reeval - Approved 04/15/14)   |  19530 (Reeval - Approved 08/19/14)   |  22382 (Reeval - Approved 08/30/16)   |  25844 (Reeval - Approved 07/24/19)   |  31305 (Reeval - Approved 03/05/21)


 Federal Funding?YesFederal Oversight?Yes Federal Oversight Agreement (June 2015)

Describe Federal Oversight:
Participate in: SFV, DFV, FDOM, Cost Estimate Reviews, Technical meetings, and NEPA.Review and/or


 Is this project being documented as an emergency project? Yes    No 


Categorical Exclusion (Class II)

CE Level:  

CE Action:  
 04       05       06       07       08       09
 10       11       12       13       14       Other                  

Reevaluation Reason:  
 Change in scope, impacts and/or mitigation.
 Three or more years since major authorization or phase change.

Summary of Reevaluation Changes by Document

Part A: General Project Identification and Description
Project description and mapping, updated involvement with utilities and railroad. The changes involve updates regarding Section BR3.

Part A: Engineering Information
Utility involvement, design criteria updates and detour routes specific to Section BR3. Traffic control measures and detour maps were added for Section BR3.

Part A: Roadway(s)
Existing and proposed details for each roadway were reviewed and updated as necessary.

Part A: Structure(s)
Existing and proposed details for each structure were reviewed and updated as necessary.

Part B: Section A-1
Frankford Creek is present within Section BR3. Permanent impacts to the stream will occur. Mitigation has been added for Section BR3 including adherence to a soil ESCP and following the approved ATON plan. Coordination with the PADEP CRM for Coastal Zone has been updated. Impacts and mitigation commitments from previous CE reevaluations have been moved to the remarks section.

Part B: Section A-2
Vegetation mitigation has been updated for the Juniata Triangle, where roadside vegetation will be converted to parking lot. The American Legion memorial beneath I-95 Aramingo South ramp will be relocated; relocation options are described under Mitigation remarks. Since the March 2021 reevaluated CEE, a Phase III ESA was prepared by STV to determine the extent of soil and groundwater impacts associated with previous land-use activities. Details of the Phase III ESA report prepared in April 2023 are discussed in the Remediation/Mitigation section. Impacts and mitigation commitments from previous CE reevaluations have been moved to the remarks section.

Part B: Section A-3
PNDI’s for BR3/BR4 were completed, including Traffic Control Measures, and coordination with PFBC and NOAA NMFS has occurred. Impacts and mitigation commitments from previous CE reevaluations have been moved to the remarks section.

Part B: Section A-4
A Phase IA investigation was conducted to assess archaeological site sensitivity. Per the report and comments provided by the Delaware Nation and Delaware Tribe of Indians, multiple areas will warrant archaeological monitoring. Coordination has occurred with the District CRP regarding above ground historic properties. Impacts and mitigation commitments from previous CE reevaluations have been moved to the remarks section.

Part B: Section A-5
There are no Section 4(f) properties present or impacted by Section BR3. Impacts and mitigation commitments from previous CE reevaluations have been moved to the remarks section.

Part B: Section A-6
Revisions have been made to the May 2019 noise impact analysis and an addendum was prepared. Construction of a proposed noise barrier system will occur in Sections BR3 and BR4. Impacts and mitigation commitments from previous CE reevaluations have been moved to the remarks section.

Part B: Section A-7
Additional stakeholder meetings occurred, right-of-way updates have been updated for Section BR3, and an updated Environmental Justice (EJ) Memo was prepared.

Part B: Section B
Coordination with the PADEP CRM regarding Section BR3 occurred.

Part B: Section C
Additional meetings with the public, Frankford and Bridgesburg communities, and Section 106 Tribal Consultation have occurred.

Part B: Section D
NPDES permit for Section BR3 was submitted. A Joint Permit Application (JPA) was submitted. As of submittal of this CE, final approval of the NPDES permit and JPA is pending.

Part B: Section E
Mitigation commitments for Section BR3 have been incorporated into the project and have been uploaded to ECMS.

Confirmation of Reevaluation Classification and Level

 Upon reevaluation, as supported by the attached documentation, this project qualifies as a CE Level 2.


PDOT Project Manager:  
Paul Shultes
Federal Project Number:  
1847-103, -101

MPMS Projects
  47812Active /
I-95 & Betsy Ross Bridge Interchange DESIGN
06 / Philadelphia0095 / BRII-95: Betsy Ross Interchange; City of Philadelphia; Rehabilitation
  47811Active /
I-95 & Bridge Street Interchange DESIGN
06 / Philadelphia0095 / BSRI-95: BRIDGE ST DESIGN; City of Philadelphia; Rehabilitation
  79903Active /
I-95: Betsy Ross Ramps(C)
06 / Philadelphia0095 / BR0I-95: Betsy Ross Bridge Ramps; Philadelphia County; Ramp Reconfiguration
  103562Active /
I-95 B.Ross Rmps/Adms Ave Cnn (C)
06 / Philadelphia0095 / BS4I-95 Betsy Ross Ramps and Adams Ave. Connector;
  79904Active /
I-95: Betsy Ross Rmps A&B (C)
06 / Philadelphia0095 / BR2I-95: Betsy Ross Rmps A&B; Philadelphia County; Widening/Reconstruction
  79908Active /
I-95: Kennedy-Levick (C)
06 / Philadelphia0095 / BS1I-95: Kennedy-Levick; Philadelphia County; Widening/Reconstruction
  79910Active /
I-95: Margaret-Carver (C)
06 / Philadelphia0095 / BS2I-95: Margaret-Kennedy; Philadelphia County; Widening/Reconstruction
  79905Active /
I-95: Betsy Ross Mainln NB
06 / Philadelphia0095 / BR3I-95: Betsy Ross Mainln NB ; Philadelphia County; Widening/Reconstruction
*The last time MPMS data was added or refreshed was on Wednesday, 28 August 2024 02:36 PM.

Project Funding & Fiscal Constraint
   FFY 2023 Interstate TIP
FFY 2025 Interstate TIP
     FFY 2023 Interstate TIP
FFY 2025 Interstate TIP
   40,000FFY 2023 Interstate TIP 
  111,112 FFY 2023 Interstate TIP 
   9,297,454FFY 2023 Interstate TIP 
FFY 2023 Interstate TIP
FFY 2025 Interstate TIP
FFY 2023 Interstate TIP
FFY 2025 Interstate TIP
Remarks: This is a FHWA Major Project and is fully funded. Complete funding information is in the November 2023 Financial Plan Annual Update. 
For federally funded projects where the construction phase (and if needed, ROW and/or utilities phases) is not programmed on the current TIP, remarks provide a detailed reference to the current LRTP identifying full funding for the project.

"LRTP Date" is the date of the last adopted Long Range Transportation Plan.
Refer to May 2017 FHWA "Memorandum Clarifying Fiscal Constraint." See the help files for more detailed information.


 Names & Groups:Alexander Eadline/PennDOT BP-001670
Colleen Kelly/PennDOT BP-000083
Danielle Elwell/PennDOT BP-000095
Donald Gusic/PennDOT BP-001670
Eric Turkovich/PennDOT BP-000083
Jason C Vendetti/PennDOT BP-000083
Kazi Hassan/PennDOT BP-001670
Kendal Westphal/PennDOT BP-000083
Kenneth J Corti PWS/PennDOT BP-000095
Melanie Attieh/PennDOT BP-000083
Peter Dodds/PennDOT BP-000083
Pierre Scott/PennDOT BP-001670
Rob Kreamer/PennDOT BP-000083
Zachary Smith/PennDOT BP-000083

All District 06 Users


System User NamesNon-System / Other Addresses
 Notify These Additional Emails Upon Approval:Colleen Kelly/PennDOT BP-000083

Package was submitted on Wednesday, 28 August 2024 02:37 PM by Paul Shultes/PennDOT

 Email NotifyReviewed ByDate/Time
Keith L Highlands/PennDOT
Mark J Radatti/PennDOT
Keith L Highlands/PennDOTThu, 08/29/24 09:30 AM
Chuck Davies/PennDOT
Timothy S Stevenson/PennDOT
Chuck Davies/PennDOTThu, 08/29/24 09:44 AM
HDTS: Eastern Region
Allen S Melley/PennDOT
Booker T Bates/PennDOT
Brian E Shunk/PennDOT
Edward J Castelli/PennDOT
Harrison Knox/PennDOT
Julius B Sanders/PennDOT
Keith A Saloum/PennDOT
Kerriann R Riddle/PennDOT
Michael P Erickson/PennDOT
Mithun R Patel/PennDOT
Nina Ertel/PennDOT
Ryan R Shiffler/PennDOT
Ryan Vankirk/PennDOT
Keith A Saloum/PennDOTThu, 08/29/24 10:38 PM
Andrea Ebur/PennDOT BP-001391
Benjamin Harvey/PennDOT BP-001391
Camille A Otto/PennDOT BP-001391
Christopher Walston/PennDOT BP-001391
Clint H Beck/PennDOT BP-001391
Douglas Tanaka/PennDOT BP-001391
Eugene Porochniak/PennDOT BP-001391
Ezequiel Lujan/PennDOT BP-001391
FHWA PA Division Resource Account/PennDOT BP-001391
George Fleagle/PennDOT BP-001391
Jeff Engle/PennDOT BP-001391
Jennifer Crobak/PennDOT BP-001391
John Bork/PennDOT BP-001391
Jonathan Buck/PennDOT BP-001391
Jonathan Crum/PennDOT BP-001391
Julia Moore/PennDOT BP-001391
Karyn Vandervoort/PennDOT BP-001391
Kenana Zejcirovic/PennDOT BP-001391
Kevin Harrison/PennDOT BP-001391
Mark Hammert/PennDOT BP-001391
Melanie Barber/PennDOT BP-001391
Michelle Goddard/PennDOT BP-001391
Natasha Manbeck/PennDOT BP-001391
Nhan T Phan/PennDOT BP-001391
Richard Kercher/PennDOT BP-001391
Ronnique Bishop/PennDOT BP-001391
Sarah Cordek/PennDOT BP-001391
Tony Mento/PennDOT BP-001391
Veronica L Feliciano/PennDOT BP-001391
Michelle Goddard/PennDOT BP-001391Tue, 09/03/24 02:12 PM

Document Created By:  Colleen Kelly
12/20/21  03:45 PM

Last Modified By:  Michelle Goddard
09/03/24  02:13 PM

An ECMS PDC was not found for MPMS 47812 -- clearance milestone was queued for future use.<br>An ECMS PDC was not found for MPMS 47811 -- clearance milestone was queued for future use.<br>An ECMS PDC was found for MPMS 79903 -- clearance for package #33074 was successfully added/updated.<br>An ECMS PDC was found for MPMS 103562 -- clearance for package #33074 was successfully added/updated.<br>An ECMS PDC was found for MPMS 79904 -- clearance for package #33074 was successfully added/updated.<br>An ECMS PDC was found for MPMS 79908 -- clearance for package #33074 was successfully added/updated.<br>An ECMS PDC was found for MPMS 79910 -- clearance for package #33074 was successfully added/updated.<br>An ECMS PDC was found for MPMS 79905 -- clearance for package #33074 was successfully added/updated.<br>XML REQUEST for MPMS 47812...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 47811...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 103562...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 103562...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 79904...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 79904...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 79908...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 79908...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 79910...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 79910...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 79905...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 79905...
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YesMilestone PE Phase data successfully sent for MPMS 47812<br>Milestone PE Phase data successfully sent for MPMS 47811<br>Milestone PE Phase data successfully sent for MPMS 79903<br>Milestone PE Phase data successfully sent for MPMS 103562<br>Milestone PE Phase data successfully sent for MPMS 79904<br>Milestone PE Phase data successfully sent for MPMS 79908<br>Milestone PE Phase data successfully sent for MPMS 79910<br>Milestone PE Phase data successfully sent for MPMS 79905<br>XML REQUEST for MPMS 47812...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 47812...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 47811...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 47811...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 79903...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 79903...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 103562...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 103562...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 79904...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 79904...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 79908...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 79908...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 79910...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 79910...
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XML REQUEST for MPMS 79905...
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XML RESPONSE for MPMS 79905...
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